If you want to write a new admin-entry, just copy an existing entry and modify it.
[03.07.2011 17:00] Admin quits: [DooC]*Heinrich - [DooC]*Heinrich
[03.07.2011 17:00] AdminDecision: Tiger 17->18 (Vote failed) - [DooC]*Heinrich
Yes: [DooC]*Gauki
Abtain: [DooC]*Heinrich
No: [DooC]*Walkuere
[19.06.2011 17:38] AdminVote started: Tiger 17->18- [DooC]*Heinrich
This was discussed in the past.
[19.06.2011 15:31] AdminDecision: Make Chief Admin ? (Vote failed) - [DooC]*Heinrich
Yes: [DooC]*Heinrich
Abtain: -
No: [DooC]*Walkuere, [DooC]*Gauki
[19.06.2011 15:31] AdminDecision: Pool Admins and HighAdmins (Vote passed) - [DooC]*Heinrich
Yes: [DooC]*Gauki, [DooC]*Heinrich
Abtain: -
No: [DooC]*Walkuere
[16.06.2011 22:20] AdminVote started: Chief Admin - [DooC]*Heinrich
Make a chief Admin (voted by all admins), who can make higher decisions (server.cfg-changed) himself
[16.06.2011 22:20] AdminVote started: Pool Admins and HighAdmins (->only 1Adminlevel: 21)
[17.06.2011 13:02] Server restart - [DooC]*Heinrich
Global Server lags
[17.06.2011 13:02] Server restart - [DooC]*Heinrich
General Server lags
[13.06.2011 23:58] Server restart - [DooC]*Heinrich
[30.04.2011 23:58] Server restart - [DooC]*Heinrich
[20.04.2011 ??:??] Server restart - [DooC]*Heinrich
While placing mines the server lagged, the server restart 'fixed' this, but it will come back.
[18.04.2011 23:10] HighAdmin Decision: Promote [DooC]*Tiger 13->17 (passed) - [DooC]*Gauki (rep. by [DooC]*Heinrich)
Yes: [DooC]*Gauki, [DooC]*Heinrich
Abtain: -
No: -
[DooC]*Gauki wanted the promotion to be executed instandly.
[18.04.2011 22:45] Admin Decision:: g_XPSave 15->7 (passed) - [DooC]*Gauki (rep. by [DooC]*Heinrich)
Yes: [DooC]*Gauki, [DooC]*Heinrich
Abtain: -
No: -
[18.04.2011 22:45] HighAdmin Decision: Promote [DooC]*Walküre 19->20 (passed) - [DooC]*Gauki (rep. by [DooC]*Heinrich)
Yes: [DooC]*Gauki, [DooC]*Heinrich
Abtain: -
No: -
[18.04.2011 21:44] shrubbot.cfg maintenance - [DooC]*Heinrich
name = ^0Rapid-^3Shot
guid = 0D8BD24FD6E22185C149AE432A9919C5
ip =
reason = permanentes nerfen
made = 04/17/11 14:57:05
expires = 356555825
muter = ^1[DooC]^3*^0TI^ZGER
[18.04.2011 21:10] HighAdmin Decision: Discard former [DooC]-Member Mr.X (passed) - [DooC]*Gauki (rep. by [DooC]*Heinrich)
Yes: [DooC]*Gauki, [DooC]*Heinrich
Abtain: -
No: -
[17.04.2011 17:25] HighAdmin Discussion: Promote [DooC]*Tiger - [DooC]*Gauki (rep. by [DooC]*Heinrich)
[DooC]*Gauki wants to give [DooC]*Tiger a higher admin-level
[09.04.2011 2:00] admin's log: New admin's log - [DooC]*Heinrich
The new admin's log is installed.
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- Zugriffe: 38
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