Server Info
This is still under construction.
Page Access Levels:
Overview | Kifferstube Moderator |
admin's log | Kifferstube Moderator |
Usergroups | Kifferstube Moderator |
Adminlevels | Kifferstube Moderator |
Players | Kifferstube Administrator |
Known Admins:
Guardian of Kifferstube [DooC]*Tiger
Guardian of Kifferstube LHN_MZ_Dopdfdeggel (status by trust) (not activated here)
Privileged Moderator [DooC]*Azarius (not activated here)
Privileged Moderator [DooC]*Panther
Administrator [DooC]*Walküre
High Administrator [DooC]*Heinrich
High Administrator [DooC]*Gauki
Former Admins:
Guardian of Kifferstube former [DooC]*Member Mr.x (until 18.04.2011 - HighAdmin Decision)
These are all levels and there !commands.
The higher levels always have the commands of the lower ones. so Advanced Placer still has !time for example.
The following are the Playerlevels. They can be given by every admin (Do not give Friend of level too often).
Level | Levelname | commands |
0 | Player | admintest(a) help(h) listplayers(i) time(C) resetmyxp(M) levelsys userlevel maps pizza rules sk |
1 | FUNKILLER | !cannot call votes(?) [no time(C), no resetmyxp(M)] |
2 | Advanced Player | - |
3 | Experienced Player | !no vote-kicks, vote-mutes, or complaines(1) |
4 | Professional Player | - |
5 | Outstanding Player | - |
6 | Incredible Player | - |
7 | Unrivalled Player | - |
8 | Godlike Player | - |
9 | Friend of Kifferstube | warn(R) showbans(B) |
This is a special level, but not a Moderatorlevel. It gives a player the same commands then a DooC-Member.
Level | Levelname | commands |
10 | Helping Hand | extra commands: mute(m) putteam/put(p) slap(A) |
The following are DooC-member-levels. Do only give this levels if you have the permission from the DooC-Clan.
Level | Levelname | commands |
11 | [DooC]-Alliance-Member | - |
12 | [DooC] Trial Member | - |
13 | [DooC] Member | mute(m) putteam/put(p) slap(A) |
15 | [DooC] Squadleader | rename(N) |
These are the Moderatorlevels.
Level | Levelname | commands |
17 | Guardian of Kifferstube | uptime(u) pip+pop(z) spec999(P) disorient(d) shuffle(S) teams !can see teamchat as spec(4) !no g_inactivity+g_spectatorInactivity(0) |
18 | Moderator | kick(k) burn+poison(U) freeze(E) cancelvote(c) dw(D) !no auto-censor, spam-protection(2) !kick+ban without reason(6) !always teamswitching(5) |
19 | Privileged Moderator | ban+banguid+banip(b) nextmap(n) gib(g) nade(x) fling+launch+throw(L) |
At last there are the levels of the server administration.
Level | Levelname | commands |
20 | Administrator | setlevel(s) pants(t) glow(o) swap(w) restart+reset(r) pause(Z) readconfig(G) resetxp(X) passvote(V) lock(K) !perma-bans(8) !silent-commands(3) !commands via team+fireteamchat(9) !always votes callable(7) |
21 | [DooC] Leader | - |
22 | *** High Admin Staff *** | finger(f) news(W) give(e) revive(v) disguise(T) ammopack+medpack(J) rcon bot-commands |
This article is about the usergroups and there rights.
Regular Players
- no special rights
- may make suggestions to moderators/admins
- may make suggestions to moderators/admins
- may vote at DooC-ClanDecisions (=ClanDecision)
- may punish rulebreaking
- may make suggestions to admins
- have all moderator abilities
- may vote at AdminDecisions
High Admins
- have all moderator abilities
- may vote at AdminDecisions
- may vote at HighAdminDecisions
- can edit every Kifferstube-page
An AdminDecision is a decision made by all administrators (level20-admins and level22-HighAdmins)
This is the regular admin-decisions for all server.cfg changes, server maintenances, ...
Minimum "yes-voters": more than 50%
Maximum length: 14 days
A HighAdminDecision is like an AdminDecision, but with 2 differences: only HighAdmins may vote and this vote is only used for level/user promotions and degrades
Minimum "yes-voters": more than 50%
Maximum length: 30 days
A ClanDecision is made during a vote in the internal forums or during a meeting
ClanDecisions are overwriting all other Decisions
This is the user-file listening:
If you want to add a new Player to the system: please use the following form and save it here (only HAs)
<br>Clan: *Clantag* *Clanname*
<br>Clanposition: *Trial/Member/Co-Leader/Leader/Warorga/...*
<br>cl_guid: *cl_guid*
<br><br>Adminlevel: *1-22*
<br>Server passwords: *rcon/referee/private-slot*
<br>Location: *location*
<br>[*Date* *Time*] *Note*
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