Server Info

These are all levels and there !commands.
The higher levels always have the commands of the lower ones. so Advanced Placer still has !time for example.

The following are the Playerlevels. They can be given by every admin (Do not give Friend of level too often).

Level Levelname commands
0 Player admintest(a) help(h) listplayers(i) time(C) resetmyxp(M) levelsys userlevel maps pizza rules sk
1 FUNKILLER !cannot call votes(?) [no time(C), no resetmyxp(M)]
2 Advanced Player -
3 Experienced Player !no vote-kicks, vote-mutes, or complaines(1)
4 Professional Player -
5 Outstanding Player -
6 Incredible Player -
7 Unrivalled Player -
8 Godlike Player -
9 Friend of Kifferstube warn(R) showbans(B)

This is a special level, but not a Moderatorlevel. It gives a player the same commands then a DooC-Member.

Level Levelname commands
10 Helping Hand extra commands: mute(m) putteam/put(p) slap(A)

The following are DooC-member-levels. Do only give this levels if you have the permission from the DooC-Clan.

Level Levelname commands
11 [DooC]-Alliance-Member -
12 [DooC] Trial Member -
13 [DooC] Member mute(m) putteam/put(p) slap(A)
15 [DooC] Squadleader rename(N)

These are the Moderatorlevels.

Level Levelname commands
17 Guardian of Kifferstube uptime(u) pip+pop(z) spec999(P) disorient(d) shuffle(S) teams !can see teamchat as spec(4) !no g_inactivity+g_spectatorInactivity(0)
18 Moderator kick(k) burn+poison(U) freeze(E) cancelvote(c) dw(D) !no auto-censor, spam-protection(2) !kick+ban without reason(6) !always teamswitching(5)
19 Privileged Moderator ban+banguid+banip(b) nextmap(n) gib(g) nade(x) fling+launch+throw(L)

At last there are the levels of the server administration.

Level Levelname commands
20 Administrator setlevel(s) pants(t) glow(o) swap(w) restart+reset(r) pause(Z) readconfig(G) resetxp(X) passvote(V) lock(K) !perma-bans(8) !silent-commands(3) !commands via team+fireteamchat(9) !always votes callable(7)
21 [DooC] Leader -
22 *** High Admin Staff *** finger(f) news(W) give(e) revive(v) disguise(T) ammopack+medpack(J) rcon bot-commands
<- Kifferstube