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Item Balance

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Let’s talk about balance.
When I played on our Server again yesterday, it was not really fun to play.
And it’s not the W:ET I liked.

In W:ET (as in any other good competitive game) each item you can use has its pros and cons, has its strong sides and its counters.

With a panzerfaust you only have a pistol as your secondary weapon, and you can only shoot one at once at the start. On our nitmod configuration, you can shoot two and have an SMG as well - eliminating all downsides.

Landmines can only be placed on specific parts of the map to prevent unpassable passages. Where they can be placed, if you activate them and survive by jumping of - as a medic you survive, as an engineer you can still be revived. They can be spotted by a covert ops. They then can be exploded by grenades. Engineer can defuse them - and easily reach them doing that.
Lasermines are a big problem. They do not have any counters. You activate them, you splat. As anything besides engineer , you can do nothing except die to detonate them - and when you're back, they were placed again. Even as engineer they are sometimes very hard to reach - behind a corner or up on the ceiling, where you have to jump to even reach it. And worse of all, the laser mines can easily and entirely block any entrance - they can be placed anywhere on any walls.
I’m fine with not seeing them and dying. But not having any counter for them with their power is just bullshit.

Rifle grenades. Once you shot rifle grenades you are left with the rifle, a strong but non-automatic and less accurate weapon compared to SMGs.
Not on our server though. After Shooting two rifle nades, you can still either use your rifle for strong close combat, or switch to your SMG for any other situation.

Another big issue for me is the hit detection. Bad hit detection all right, but the lying hit boxes are total BS. Whenever someone lies down I feel like rage-quitting, because hits don’t detect.
I remember from some time ago that I had to shoot feet in order to register any shots.
I would love to analyse and fix theses - but that would require some time sadly. They are sooo bad.

Other things I noticed, that are not necessarily too bad:

In W:ET as I know it, you can actually use grenades to fight.
The skill of ticking nades the right amount of time, and then throwing them in someones face to instantly gib or at least kill them is totally nullified. I did some nice grenades yesterday. None killed anyone.
On our server, the only useful use for grenades I can see now is spam-throwing them into the direction of the enemy, just to maybe do some damage - no skill involved - or to throw them at objectives.
I always loved nadeing. Not possible here.

I am wondering right now if double-jump works the way it should work. Currently, a second jump can only be performed if you are still on the rising part of your first jump. Would it not be more fun if it still worked at any part of the jump (being in the air)? Any reason for it not to work like that?

What I would like to ask you is, first of all, do you have fun on the server?
Do you see these issues as I do? Or are all those skills and items you can use what makes it fun? (I much prefer the classic 0-levels at the start of the round - fair start for everyone.)

[DooC] Murdah:
Well i agree your point especially when enemy goes down to ground , the hitboxes are fcked up, And the laser landmines are just way too op in maps like siwa oasis. You can actually place them in a way that you cant defuse them

Rest of the server seems to be okay to me but i dont mind if there comes changes wich would retrieve W:ET's originality

I tried debugging hitboxes locally, and from what I saw they seem fine. Those could be wrong though.
I’d like to test them with someone on our server by experimentation.

Hallo Kissaki,

hins. deines Beitrages stimme ich dir voll und ganz zu. Viel Spaß macht das nicht mehr.

Ich kann nur aus meinen Erfahrungen, in meiner Zeit auf einem anderen Server berichten und dort konnte man bspw. Laser Minen per Handgranate zerstören und musste sich nicht opfern, um den Weg bspw. für einen Techniker frei zu machen.

Ich denke eine Veränderung wäre nicht schlecht.

Beste Grüße


Does nitmod call them tripmines?
I just checked the cvar list. Nothing named laser mines. But land- and poison gas landmines, and trip mines.

--- Quote ---g_damageweapons
32 : Tripmines can be damaged
--- End quote ---
I like that.
There is a lot more as well, like damaging air strike canisters and satchel charges, etc. I would like to enable that.


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