Author Topic: [DooC]* Romi-Clanhopper  (Read 28662 times)


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[DooC]* Romi-Clanhopper
« on: 26.01.2011, 15:11:41 »
Shame on you to apply DooC and after some days to write your apply on the Pro* Forum. Possible that you dont even know all DooC member. Just a Rating Pussy..pffff

Present yourself : Splash will maybe know me from tb forum. Well what I can say ? Was my old dream to be one time in Pro* but I knew in that time it was impossible. My skills rised up and I see there is way from Alpha, so I want to try. You guys looks like good, mature and skilled. Would like to be part of that. Well have some frag & tj, php and so skills.

i've read and i approve the rules :Yes

Put your Trackbase link :

Yes, you see DooC. I was member some time. The problem is that, there is not much active players and so. Almost no one on server and cant talk good with members so I leaved DooC, right now. If I will get here or no still I would be out of it. I am not kind of clanhopper just like I said that was my long dream.

Xfire : romike1992 - dont using it yet. but I can start.

Location : Slovakia / Bratislava

Age: 18 (18.06.1992)

How often do you play: every day 2-4 hours.

Do you know any players who would like to join our fun squad ? Sure i can find some

Will you be able to donate to help us with server(s) ? : from time to time sure.

Guid (8 digits) : 46ACEF9F

Do you have PBBANS ? ( if yes how many and put the date you got busted ): No, 0

Share more about you screenshots, ET video , music etc ( if you want to ) I would like but I am not taking screens of my playing, usless for me.

so thats all.

thanks in advance

« Last Edit: 26.01.2011, 15:25:43 by DE TOMASO »


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Re: [DooC]* Romi-Clanhopper
« Reply #1 on: 26.01.2011, 15:38:05 »
ihr solltet mal aufpassen, wer in eure bude reinkommt...errinere mich ungerne an die Nics geschichte....:(
« Last Edit: 26.01.2011, 15:42:16 by DE TOMASO »


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Re: [DooC]* Romi-Clanhopper
« Reply #2 on: 26.01.2011, 15:56:44 »
I am not rating pussy and like I wrote on Pro apply, it was my old dream to become one of tham.

I was just waiting how apply will go and thinking how write it here.

So you was first.

Good job.

I even dont know what to said ?

it allways fun here but like also write. On server not much players, and if yes not atall good.


it was fun to be part of that with nice and friendly guys and spended some nice time on server.

So ok, i am leaveing DooC...

pls take care of ninka she loves it here, will allways looking on server on her.

And sorry it goes that ways.

gl in future


you have my sorry. you are very good guy. take care
« Last Edit: 26.01.2011, 16:08:44 by [DooC]*Romi »


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Re: [DooC]* Romi-Clanhopper
« Reply #3 on: 26.01.2011, 17:46:34 »
I was just waiting how apply will go and thinking how write it here.
Well, wouldn’t it have been fair to tell us BEFORE applying somewhere else?


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Re: [DooC]* Romi-Clanhopper
« Reply #4 on: 26.01.2011, 17:58:12 »
Yes, my fault.


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Re: [DooC]* Romi-Clanhopper
« Reply #5 on: 26.01.2011, 19:46:50 »
@ romi ... i cant beleave it ... i hope its just a joke ...why ? why ...
@ Tomaso vielen dank für die Info !

mehr will ich dazu nicht sagen ... da es mich einerseits echt sauer macht & anderseits echt traurig :( echt schade !


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Re: [DooC]* Romi-Clanhopper
« Reply #6 on: 26.01.2011, 20:13:08 »
Why ?

in one case its true about that server.

second that i really wanted be in smth like that long time.

nothing to someone or something here.

will visit server allways.

dont be mad on me gauki pls :( you are good boy i like you!

all have something in real life or game life he want so, i got chance so i want atleast try it!

respect for dooc and sorry to my late response of that


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Re: [DooC]* Romi-Clanhopper
« Reply #7 on: 26.01.2011, 20:44:58 »
@kili: sorry, dass ich deine Träume zerstöre, aber ich bin euch das schuldig. Möchte mir gar nicht noch ein paar von euren Trials zu Brust nehmen(gerade die die im Alter von 16 bis 20 einmal in der Woche aktiv sind-LOL), dann wird die Entäuschung größer. Nach der Diskussion gestern abend, hat mich das einfach neugierig gemacht und da ich in ca. 50 clans angemeldet bin, habe ich angefangen zu suchen. Schade ist, dass ich schon beim ersten fündig geworden bin. Ich mußte heute auch einen aus meinem Clan kicken, der dachte, dass er schlauer als die Polizei ist. In diesem Sinne Kopf hoch, es wird schon wieder.

Life is a bitch!


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Re: [DooC]* Romi-Clanhopper
« Reply #8 on: 26.01.2011, 22:54:34 »
Kopf hoch und in die Zukunft schauen is hier die Devise ... ja :)


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Re: [DooC]* Romi-Clanhopper
« Reply #9 on: 29.01.2011, 10:33:08 »
R.I.P. Romi,

Schade, he was nice player :(

Sex ist ein kampf, liebe ist krieg


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Re: [DooC]* Romi-Clanhopper
« Reply #10 on: 29.01.2011, 17:21:56 »
@ romi ... i am not mad ... but u switched to a clan which server is more more more more  empty like ours ... ...

u are the only person who play there ... and u are not in pro* clan ..u are in the funsquad with no speacial skill ... mhhhh in my opinion is dooc 10000 times better like alpha !!! (pro* is really good :) .. but u are not a part of pro .. )
But its your decision  ...

p.s. Thanks that i am good boy xD :) good luck

hope my other clanmates stay with me in dooc and we have fun on our server :))) cyaaaaa

edit: hope alle problems are now solved and we can have fun together  :rolleyes:
« Last Edit: 30.01.2011, 00:44:58 by [DooC]*Gauki »


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Re: [DooC]* Romi-Clanhopper
« Reply #11 on: 30.01.2011, 02:43:15 »
I dont said i will paly only on A|pha server. I am play alfa almost no time and dooc more than it :D

and just allways some public servers. and i know where i am. and yes.. by the time going... i am starting thinking that i am idiot and make stupid - telling myself - there was no prob in dooc all was cool etc...


still here!


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Re: [DooC]* Romi-Clanhopper
« Reply #12 on: 30.01.2011, 12:19:00 »


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Re: [DooC]* Romi-Clanhopper
« Reply #13 on: 02.02.2011, 10:12:44 »
Gauki, have I ? allready :x


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Re: [DooC]* Romi-Clanhopper
« Reply #14 on: 02.02.2011, 10:46:03 »
Hello Pro*,

after a few days here.

I see that server is ultra empty, i know, maybe it want just a time.

But I see i made fault and i didnt know what I want.

Now after some days I see I am missing somethink else.

Its not my place here.

You are all mostly nice guys.

Thanks for you time here and sorry for a bit ugly discussions but I go in free leg.

Again sorry its goes way like this.

Good luck

and now I am thinking what to do here ~

hey romi, everyone make mistakes in his life ... that was your xD
in my opinion i would like to give u a second chance ... NEW Trailtime ... and all eyes on u .. if u want :D
Dont know what the other clanmates think about this ... !?!? yes or no ?
4 me gauki .. u get F1  :]

greeets gauki


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Re: [DooC]* Romi-Clanhopper
« Reply #15 on: 02.02.2011, 12:20:55 »


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Re: [DooC]* Romi-Clanhopper
« Reply #16 on: 02.02.2011, 13:19:07 »
hey :S

yes, everyone make mistakes, also WALKUERE are not angel ^^ :)
i know i did bad thing. you know, person doing person that, you can allways say you make fault and say sorry even more that other side
understand it and see someone say sorry about it. he see he make fault. Life is about making chances to others, trying.

so i know i am full response for that. I allready said sorry few time.

i didnt know i will miss it so here, and time showed that i like it here mostly, no somewhere else.

And you sure know I would like :)

thanks in advance on your posts and sorry for my foolishness some days ago.

I am not waiting positive resaults because not all are polite and mature in that case. But if i will get chance or no, still will be here @ server / forum.

now i must go, dog talking to me (baf, baf) :D

« Last Edit: 02.02.2011, 13:23:55 by Romi »


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Re: [DooC]* Romi-Clanhopper
« Reply #17 on: 02.02.2011, 14:14:24 »
yes, everyone make mistakes, also WALKUERE are not angel ^^ :)
I never had problems with her. Did you?

I allready said sorry few time.
You said sorry it went that way, you applying somewhere elsewhere without telling us, leaving like that and us finding out, etc. But not really that you were sorry about what you did or that you actually did it. And definitely not several times. (Maybe on the srv, I don’t know, but as I don’t know, those don’t count on me. :) I can’t see them.)

I am not waiting positive resaults because not all are polite and mature in that case.
Funny that you’re the one talking about politeness and maturity …
As you’re talking about it, you should also be mature enough to understand that it’s other ppls. decisions on how forgiving they are. You said you did a wrong thing, so don’t expect everyone to be all happy again after a simple written “sorry how it went”.

But if i will get chance or no, still will be here @ server / forum.
Of course you’re welcome.
It’s a public forum and a public server. We enjoy company.
And who knows, maybe when you’re with us for some time and it’ll be a positive experience, maybe everyone would be happy to have you as a clanmember again.
But don’t expect everyone to be as jumpy as you, being all happy with one sorry. And don’t demand it with false arguments about maturity and politeness. You’re the one to blame, not us or Walküre.


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Re: [DooC]* Romi-Clanhopper
« Reply #18 on: 02.02.2011, 14:30:37 »
i just get mad  :evil:. you are not serious Romi?

@gauki: ich glaube, ich habe mich verlesen..:(
« Last Edit: 02.02.2011, 14:34:54 by DE TOMASO »


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Re: [DooC]* Romi-Clanhopper
« Reply #19 on: 02.02.2011, 14:59:08 »
DE TOMASO: first I dont understand why you care in that case ? It have nothing to do with you. If I am serious ? I am serious because I made fault with that one hop out. I would be like if you stay out of this... finally...


No I dont had problems with her, only allways she said no SK if it was even not spawn, so not good knowladge of spawn so i got mad. Nothing extra I just dont like if people act like her with decission without reason. That she dont make fault in PC world dont mean she cant make faults in real life.
But thats not about her, no ?

I said sorry in some posts over that, to Gauki and so. I said I know i made fault. So if others dont see it, I am sorry for what I did :(

I am talking about maturity because I know I did bad think so I know how some of you / all feel. And I dont said its not thatm decissions, I know it is.

I was not expecting they'll be happy.

And I don't want to everyone jump like me want.  And it wasnt argument, just true... I knew there will posts like this, I dont wanna argument nothing.

I'm on shame that I did thing that I was ever mad on players who jumped to another clan.

Don't know what more to say. Maybe again sorry even if will not help.


« Last Edit: 02.02.2011, 15:07:37 by Romi »


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Re: [DooC]* Romi-Clanhopper
« Reply #20 on: 02.02.2011, 15:19:19 »
I appreciate it that you stick around here and talk.
For me that’s the best way for you to atone. :)
Personally, I am against instant-rejoins but am open to discussions about that later on, after some time passed.
And after all server, forums and mumble are public, so you can at least still play and talk with us. Don’t need to be clanmember for that.


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Re: [DooC]* Romi-Clanhopper
« Reply #21 on: 02.02.2011, 15:27:30 »
i can tell you why!

maybe you dont have anything against me, but i have a lot against people like you

1. first i hate CLANHOPPERs-possible that you dont even know on which fucking planet you live. That say a lot about your personality

2. i was in this clan over many years, this guys are friends of mine and thats my contribution to this clan: warning them from people like you!

you disappointed this clan and now you are coming back like a rat. for me->No mercy!....

this topic is for me closed!
« Last Edit: 02.02.2011, 15:32:11 by DE TOMASO »


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Re: [DooC]* Romi-Clanhopper
« Reply #22 on: 02.02.2011, 15:34:43 »
Kissaki: ok, i understand :)

Tomaso: 1. get a life. 2. you know shit about my personality. 3. i just hope i'm on normal planet not like you.
4. i dont care where u was many years ago, i pleased you to stay out i think its not that hard, you can talk to me like that to other in pm also. And i'm not that bad person Mr. Judgeman !

this topic is for me closed!

« Last Edit: 02.02.2011, 15:41:31 by Romi »


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Re: [DooC]* Romi-Clanhopper
« Reply #23 on: 02.02.2011, 15:48:37 »
dont try to give me lessons-you are not in the right position


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Re: [DooC]* Romi-Clanhopper
« Reply #24 on: 02.02.2011, 15:50:36 »
Roger that my sir :D


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Re: [DooC]* Romi-Clanhopper
« Reply #25 on: 02.02.2011, 17:06:39 »
I have nothing to say other than dont worry be happy :rolleyes:


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Re: [DooC]* Romi-Clanhopper
« Reply #26 on: 03.02.2011, 15:26:39 »
Every little thing, its gonna be alright :)


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Re: [DooC]* Romi-Clanhopper
« Reply #27 on: 03.02.2011, 17:37:35 »
Time is a great healer.  :))

edit: kissakis is a wise man, i think he have the best idea 4 the first moment ^^

edit2: its like on golrush xD ... time will tell :D
« Last Edit: 04.02.2011, 10:57:53 by [DooC]*Gauki »


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Re: [DooC]* Romi-Clanhopper
« Reply #28 on: 03.02.2011, 17:53:19 »
I myself agree with the gauki
romi only made a mistake with the union thing is not so serious, at least in my view,
this is just a game by himself, at least I play just for fun
Oh, but it is between to take things more seriously, of course, but things always arranged :middlefinger:


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Re: [DooC]* Romi-Clanhopper
« Reply #29 on: 03.02.2011, 20:11:13 »
I agree with Kissa, Gauki and also mr.x - i would say same if someone do it :)