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wh BurN

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--- Quote from: BurN on 06.12.2014, 10:15:02 ---Kann ich eurem Schweigen entnehmen das die Demo doch nicht so überzeugend ist?  :))

--- End quote ---

Gauki/kissaki was sagen ihr darüber?

Alright, I fixed my demo playback setup thingy, and watched the demo.
No clear indications for usage of a wall hack.
(times are game-countdown-time)
Sure, 12:12 and 11:50 was interesting.
But with a wallhack, I’d say he would definitely have played and aimed the following scenes differently: 13:06, 11:35, 10:55, 9:50, 9:19, 8:32.

Is this ban still in place?
Showbans does not list anything.

Sorry for the inconvenience BurN.


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