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Public-Board => DooC-Server => Topic started by: Kissaki on 14.04.2013, 14:26:49

Title: double jump on supply and fuel dump
Post by: Kissaki on 14.04.2013, 14:26:49
After playing supply I godda say, double jumping should be disabled at least on supply and fuel dump ...

On FD 4 mins before they even destroyed the entrace to the last part they had mines at the back exit of the axis spawn. Of course those pesky laser mines you can not disable.
Title: Re: double jump on supply and fuel dump
Post by: Mr.x on 14.04.2013, 14:27:45
I quite agree
Title: Re: double jump on supply and fuel dump
Post by: $n!p3d on 14.04.2013, 15:35:50
people need to be splatted. or put to spec then mines disappear
Title: Re: double jump on supply and fuel dump
Post by: Gauki on 16.04.2013, 13:50:17
i remember a old map scribt on fueldump who its not possible to jump throw !? i think this will be the best solution, couze to allow douplejump on different maps its not a solution (we tryed that 2 years ago witouht success) ^^
Title: Re: double jump on supply and fuel dump
Post by: Kissaki on 16.04.2013, 18:51:42
You want to ... what?
Disable throwing dynamites? On fuel dump specifically?
And how is that better than disabling double jump on fuel dump specifically?
Title: Re: double jump on supply and fuel dump
Post by: $n!p3d on 16.04.2013, 19:00:20
i generally notice if someone is going for dbl jump and !splat them
Title: Re: double jump on supply and fuel dump
Post by: Gauki on 16.04.2013, 23:15:33
there are two ways @ kissaki

1. a mapscribt who build invisible walls ^^
2. a lua.file wo check first if the tank destroyed the wall for example ! (this lua.file already exicst.. but someone have to remork it to nitmod) and i cant find it anymore :P
Title: Re: double jump on supply and fuel dump
Post by: TIGER on 17.04.2013, 17:36:26
i think disable double jump is ok couse i know that if a good player can Trickjump he dont need doublejump ....he can find a way for jump over Wall  :middlefinger: :baby: :baby: :baby:
Title: Re: double jump on supply and fuel dump
Post by: XXXX on 15.06.2013, 13:10:32
Quote from: TIGER on 17.04.2013, 17:36:26
i think disable double jump is ok couse i know that if a good player can Trickjump he dont need doublejump ....he can find a way for jump over Wall  :middlefinger: :baby: :baby: :baby:
with doublejump OFF and fixed physics ON or pmove fix (which is the default setting on most servers) it's impossible
Title: Re: double jump on supply and fuel dump
Post by: mAus on 06.02.2014, 06:37:19
It may be possible to lock, I think when you want to skip the wall of the lens to switch back and you write on the screen Trick jumper :) ^^
Title: Re: double jump on supply and fuel dump
Post by: Leeven on 08.02.2014, 10:12:44
maus that is not a piece of cake to do, infact i think its impossible to do, for myself i agree with sniped, use the splat command..but that could be a disadvantage if engr and cops are working together to blow up the fuel depot, although we may never know if the engr tj or was helped by cops, this is where an alternate comes in, once the map starts, a wals is built in front of the booth which is alongside the fuel depot gates..therefore no one is allowed to enter with tj, once the depot gates are blown, the wall is disabled, since some use the booth as cover and if engr and cops are working together, then they can always use the door, this way seems fair...but it is just a suggestion
Title: Re: double jump on supply and fuel dump
Post by: mAus on 08.02.2014, 10:16:05
Hejj leeven it's not bad, or even that there is limited, I think something to be done while the tank does not crash the gate can not be entered, or it can but only with cops
Title: Re: double jump on supply and fuel dump
Post by: Leeven on 08.02.2014, 10:58:33
i dont understand..what is limited?
Title: Re: double jump on supply and fuel dump
Post by: Leeven on 08.02.2014, 11:13:54
this should make my post more clear
Title: Re: double jump on supply and fuel dump
Post by: mAus on 08.02.2014, 11:43:31
im shold you one more how can tj in this map ;)
Title: Re: double jump on supply and fuel dump
Post by: $n!p3d on 08.02.2014, 16:45:19
i really havent seen this happening often. so why bother with all the extra effort
Title: Re: double jump on supply and fuel dump
Post by: mAus on 09.02.2014, 18:10:26
You let me know if well treated according to this if it happens (I've had trouble with it ...) First, talk to the player asking him how he did it and I say "secret" repeatedly asking him the same question when the again to repeat in the Spectator with m and then see if it jumped up and talk to the first with him and then give him? rules "NAME" and then he apologize and tell him that it is not allowed.^^
Title: Re: double jump on supply and fuel dump
Post by: Leeven on 10.02.2014, 13:49:09
you gotta work on your english dude :/
Title: Re: double jump on supply and fuel dump
Post by: mAus on 10.02.2014, 14:29:22
Im cryy :((
Title: Re: double jump on supply and fuel dump
Post by: N1c01ash on 17.02.2014, 10:00:44
I agree with Leeven.
Title: Re: double jump on supply and fuel dump
Post by: [DooC] PanzerIce on 29.03.2014, 13:20:57
i think you should delete the double jump like pro servers they dont use double jump only 1 jump...