Ingame Name: Dominik
Age: 13
Invited By: PanzerIce
Country: slovakia
All Rules Read: Yes, ofc.
Are you prepared to enter the 4-6 week trial period?: Yes.
All rules understood: Yes I understood it!
This is for dominik hes just new on forum so he doesnt know how to make a new topic :)
He is new in forum, so he doesnt know how to make a new topic
I think he should be in dooc he is good player + teamplayer.
pretty young - lets have a look on him ! what does the others think ?
I think he's teamplay is not bad,no rules broken seen from him,but he have so much to learn ,i think you should give him 1 week before you put him on trial,thats my opinion,should i even be asked? i'm not admin..:P
I saw him also playing hes pretty good :)
ich will ja nicht schon wieder meckern über das alter, aber die rules hat der dominik bestimmt nicht gelesen! spawnkilling am 29.12.2013 zwischen 12.30 bis 13.00 uhr auf der map venice!!!
You say that Dominik was spawnkilling ?
I never saw him spawn killing Wierd
Lets give him a week and will see
verschliesst nur weiter euere augen, lol
Firstly get him to post. Doesn't look good to post in his name. He will have to learn to use forum sooner or later. Secondly I agree with walkeuere we should keep an eye on him. I'll assess more closely when I back from holidays.
yes he is a good teamplayer and also has alot to learn as said, we all will look out for him, perhaps if panzerIce could teach him, over teamviewer or something, but other than that, i have no reason to say no, i accept it
@N1c01ash you dont need to be an admin to give your opinion :P
@Leeven ill try to teach hem all what i know :P
I'm also $n!p3d his opinion, he should first register in our forum and introduce yourself .... anyone can be!
My opinion of you know about the old ..... Abstain me because the voice!
I am definitely against accepting someone as a member if he can not even post on the forum. Having a valid forum account and being able to use it should be a must.
Quote from: Kissaki on 02.01.2014, 16:55:53
I am definitely against accepting someone as a member if he can not even post on the forum. Having a valid forum account and being able to use it should be a must.