Ingame name: Dusan
Age: I'm 13 years old.
Country: I am born in Novi Sad.
Invited by: Nobody, I would willingly like to join this clan
All rules read: I have read the rules.
Are you prepared to enter the 4-6 week trial period?: Yes,I am prepared to enter this trial
All rules understood: Yes fully understood.
hey dusan, welcome to our forum/board! whats your ingame name? the admins will discuss if you getting trail member or not! (we just want to proove u a litte bit) ^^
ive seen dusan play on server, he has not given me a reason to disapprove this proposal, so i accept
(i not an admin but...) i dont know maybe i saw hem i dont remember the name o.O so anyway i want to see how he plays :)
His name in game is (PRZ)(DULE)...he is good player,and hes not in {PRZ}-Clan.
(PRZ)(Dule) you think :D
yep bro :)
Oh so i saw him lots i thing you should be in the clan btw why dont you play your clan? is it closed?
He never were in Parazit,they refused his application and he put the (PRZ),and it should be {PRZ}.
I won't play Et,I'm waiting for Member,then I will change my name and play Et.. :)
You cant do that,you first need to play a bit then you will get a trial if you can show that you are worthy of being called DooC member. (Igraj malo na DooC-u da te vide,onda ce odluciti da li da te prime ili ne.)
Hahaha,I don't know English,everytime I play,There are always bots,or some players,but they are too bots :(
@ dusan - play between 4pm and 8 pm ^^
p.s. dont cry :)
That players that you say are not bots,they are noobs. :middlefinger:
Dat Piece of shit :blah:
On ti ozb kaze.
I ponasaj se malo.
from having monitored this thread, i dont know. you dont seem willing to put the time in. :/
I don't know what you mean?
sniped said that, after reading the post, he think dusan seems to don't wan't to wait the time needed to take decision if he can or not join DooC. It is what i understand.
Quote from: Azarius on 12.01.2014, 06:41:24
sniped said that, after reading the post, he think dusan seems to don't wan't to wait the time needed to take decision if he can or not join DooC. It is what i understand.
Thanks Azarius,if he wants to join clan he have to play so we can see how he plays,than admins will aprove or not aprove his application. :))
Nicolash,You don't know how I play?You play with me 1000 times,and I'm very good.Ok Now I will play!!!
Are you stupid,i dont need to see how you play,they need to see. 8o
Dule Play good,he do objective but just Little kidding players :evil:
hhhhhh,:D :evil: