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Messages - Leeven

General / Re: Rejion Nice ^^
11.07.2014, 11:33:57
i have no objection with you rejoining, but if you leave and ask to return once again, then i would object..other than that, its cool
General / Re: Upgrade
10.02.2014, 13:56:28
just allow me to barge in real quick, if you guys don't mind, but the bots work on all the maps that is loaded on our server. we don't add a map that does not enable bot play
you gotta work on your english dude :/
General / Re: Request :)
10.02.2014, 13:48:08
thats abit harsh could have just said it is not recommended to change it :/
see the problem is with out server i can gain positions while spectating, but as a player, it gives you a default value, so if we could manually adjust the height all we need to know is how much to increase it by, i dont see it being a prob if they spawn in mid air, a very faint distance above the ground, since spawn protection is enabled, but i shall keep trying
you've already uploaded and tested? let me try height, that seems to be the problem, gimme a few hours to get the server to play the map
heres the positions:
if 12 points in a spawn ares:
1.[503 -379 24]
2.[629 -379 24]
3.[828 -469 -31]
4.[960 -467 -31]
5.[937 -352 -31]
6.[1102 -423 -31]
7.[1449 315 184]
8.[1304 311 184]
9.[1204 468 184]
10.[1075 440 184]
11.[1074 332 184]
12.[1482 442 184]

if 10 points in a spawn area:
1.[828 -469 -31]
2.[960 -467 -31]
3.[937 -352 -31]
4.[1102 -423 -31]
5.[1449 315 184]
6.[1304 311 184]
7.[1204 468 184]
8.[1075 440 184]
9.[1074 332 184]
10.[1482 442 184]
i'll have em spread out properly, will give it to you in a while
can i give it a go? im 50/50 on whether it will work or not but it wouldnt harm trying yes?, XXXX the script you uploaded, did you'll test it, does it work?
General / Re: Question on admin team
08.02.2014, 12:28:18
you are level 16, to get 17 you have to be in the dooc clan for 4 to 5 months, always see forums, and our facebook page, be nice with everyone
this should make my post more clear
i dont understand..what is limited?
the additional players can spawn here, providing overhead cover or simply just jump over the railing or use the ladder, a suggestion
a maximum of 6 players can respawn here, with that keeping in mind that it wouldn't be problem leading out
maus that is not a piece of cake to do, infact i think its impossible to do, for myself i agree with sniped, use the splat command..but that could be a disadvantage if engr and cops are working together to blow up the fuel depot, although we may never know if the engr tj or was helped by cops, this is where an alternate comes in, once the map starts, a wals is built in front of the booth which is alongside the fuel depot gates..therefore no one is allowed to enter with tj, once the depot gates are blown, the wall is disabled, since some use the booth as cover and if engr and cops are working together, then they can always use the door, this way seems fair...but it is just a suggestion
so hows this going? uploaded yet?
And we have touchdown, yes I agree with tunpal, it would have a disadvantage to axis if they are further away, so enabling it when the gold is stolen is a better option, but perhaps we can up the number of slots to 12, for when the server gets busier
sorry about the above script, discard off that, here is the mended one
thanks tunpal, mentioned edits has been made, heres the mended script
we should try it out on the war server first with all the members playing to test it because i think there may be a few faults, maybe sniped or kissaki could disable all restrictions, upload the script and try it out :)
Well here it is, although i cannot take all the credit, i did have some help when i was stuck..lets upload it and try it out
Sorry for the late and delayed replies, yes the work is finished all set and ready for testing, I had forgotten about it, all that needs to be done is for it to be uploaded onto the server..hope yall enjoy it
yes he is a good teamplayer and also has alot to learn as said, we all will look out for him, perhaps if panzerIce could teach him, over teamviewer or something, but other than that, i have no reason to say no, i accept it

@N1c01ash you dont need to be an admin to give your opinion :P
General / Re: Applicatioin for membership
02.01.2014, 11:02:20
ive seen dusan play on server, he has not given me a reason to disapprove this proposal, so i accept
General / Re: The real Target?
02.01.2014, 11:01:13
all along i have been renaming him, but that didnt stop him. he keeps renaming himself to target, i dont like to kick a player so i keep renaming him. Ive also noticed that he plays with the nickname target on other servers, so to stop him on our server, possible. but to stop him on other servers..impossible
tnx man
no promises though, for the time being, we shall commence with the axis gate
@N1c01ash that may take some time, alot of work but possible, could someone please explain what lexxa is trying to say
We do not want to add a spawn at "axis new" as it may be a disadvantage to allies, it is too close to the barrier