Tweaking, Cvars, Scripts, Creating a cfgFor more and stable fps and better playing.
/cg_maxfps 125 - best for playing
Disable particles and all that stuff- it will help you much to see better and it gives a slight boost in performance
seta cg_wolfparticles "0"
seta cg_atmosphericEffects "0"
seta cg_shadows "0"
seta cg_marktime "10000"
seta cg_showblood "0"
seta cg_bloodFlash "0"
seta cg_gibs "0"
seta cg_coronas "0"
seta cg_coronafardist "0"
seta cg_bloodDamageBlend "0"
seta r_drawsun "0"
seta r_flares "0"
3. This would help with your aim. ♅
Crosshair shouldn't be pulsing and be as small as possible.
seta cg_crosshairSize "45" //size of u crosshair change according to u resolution
seta cg_drawCrosshair "7" //change no. for different crosshairs u like.
seta cg_crosshairPulse "0"
seta cg_crosshairColor "green" // u can also use red,cyan, try whatever u like.
seta cg_crosshairAlpha "1.0"
seta cg_crosshairColorAlt "red"
seta cg_crosshairAlphaAlt "1.0"
seta cg_crosshairHealth "0" // should be zero if u are trying other colours
To see more from game
seta cg_fov "107"
This removes the hit effect up to some extent.
seta cg_bobup 0
seta cg_bobpitch 0
seta cg_bobroll 0
seta cg_bobyaw 0
seta cg_runpitch 0
seta cg_runroll "0"
Some people like to see gun, muzzle Flash and blood..and some dont.
//My personal preference..
seta cg_drawgun "1" // (1=yes 0=no)
seta cg_muzzleFlash "0" // (1=yes 0=no)
seta cg_showblood "1" //show blood when shooting other players (1=yes 0=no)
seta b_tracers "1" // - 0 = draw no bullet tracers, 1 = normal tracers, 2 = only other player\'s tracers ?
seta cg_bloodflash "0"
//show blood flash (directional indicator) when being shot..
(1=full blood splash .5=half 0=none)
(Should always be "0")
seta cg_bloodDamageBlend "0"
//amount of screen to turn red when shot?
(1=full blood splatter 0.5=half 0=none)
(Should always be "0")
Some hub cvars
//My personal preference.. can change them according to your liking.
seta cg_drawfps "1"
seta cg_drawRanks"2"
seta cg_drawTime "2"
seta cg_drawFireteamOverlay "1"
seta cg_drawDisconnectIcon "0"
seta cg_drawWeaponIconFlash "1"//NOT A MUZZLE FLASH =weapon icon outline:
seta cg_drawSmallPopupIcons "1"
seta cg_drawclock "1"
seta cg_popupWaitTime "4000.0" //popup = Messages on the Left ...i.e !ETplayer is connecting..
seta cg_popupFadeTime "0.0"
seta cg_popupTime "0.0"
seta cg_numPopups "3"
seta cg_teamChatHeight "8" // Number of rows used chat display 0-8 |0 = no lines
seta cg_teamChatTime "3500" // Sets the time a chat text stay visible 0 - 99999
More Frames Per Second and System Settings
In Game Menu Options
seta cg_shadows "0"
//\"0\" is disabled, "1" is simple shadow, "2" is stencil shadow, "3" is lifelike shadow.
Shadows, file under \"eye candy\". although the FPS boost will probably be negligible. We don''t do eye candy. Disabled, next!
seta cg_wolfparticles "0" //Turns off some of the explosion effects ..
seta cg_atmosphericEffects "0" //Toggles display of map effects like rain and snow
//This are 1 by default. Particles are used to make up smoke and such, which is nice but decreases performance a lot. Disabled for that reason.
If you notice your system slows down any time an airstrike goes off, then turn them off "seta cg_wolfparticles "0". Besides boosting your FPS, turning off particles will also let you see through airstrikes more easily so you can shoot at people on the other side. The only disadvantage is that, without particles turned on, you might run into artillery strikes more often.
seta cg_coronas "0"
//Lighting flare "0" is off
If enabled, show coronas of light around light sources.
Coronas are the auras of light around light sources such as streetlights and such. This is pretty, unnecessary
seta r_roundimagesdown "1"
// Set rounding down amount (lower = quality).
set rounding down factor (larger = faster, lower quality)
Setting it to "0" WILL give sharper textures, but will result in longer load times and increased video load. "1" is default
Default of 1 is recommended.
seta r_fastsky "1" (higher FPS if set to 1)
//If this is enabled RTCW draws an uglier sky that saves performance.
Gives you a slight improvement in your FPS. It's not much, but then again, who cares how pretty the sky looks?
seta r_flares "0" (higher FPS if set to 0)
// Toggle flare effect around certain dynamic lights.
seta r_lodbias "2"
// Level of visual detail, especially at distance. 0 Most detai, 2 Least. This lowers the quality on the players\' models.
Lower quality means better performance (more fps)..change the geometric level of detail on models. 1default....but 2 least as detailed and faster.
seta r_ext_compressed_textures "1" (higher FPS if set to 1)
//Helps FPS at the expense of visual quality, Wether or not texture compression is used
This setting determines if compressed textures can be used. Compressed textures save memory space. Memory space equals performance... Keep set to \"1\".
seta r_picmip "2"
//Raise the value of this setting by one and textures will be half as detailed as before. Higher settings increase performance and create better contrast and clarity.
0 is max quality, 3 for max performance. \\\"PB Limitation\\\"
seta r_textureMode "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST\"
// Sets texture filtering used. , intended to increase rendering speed and reduce aliasing artifacts.
Options from worst to best:
"GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST\" : Bilinear interpolation. Makes the textures looks smoother. Best compromise for speed and visuals.
"GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR" : Trilinear interpolation (ie. it interpolates into the 3rd dimension, too). Less flicker on the screen.
This setting lets you choose the method of mipmapping. It is now set to medium detailed method to gain performance while staying within allowed cvars
seta r_lodCurveError "100"
// Determines how quickly polygons are pulled out with distance.
Sets polygon detail distance. Lower setting means polygons will be culled at shorter distance.
RTCW uses a system that makes objects and models less detailed when they are further away because you won\'t be able to see all the details due to the distance anyway. This setting tells RTCW at which distance objects should get less detailed. Lower settings increase performance, although lower than 100 doesn\'t seem to make much of a difference some still use 60.
For optimal image quality increase this value ..Objects will remain detailed for longer but cost FPS
seta r_lodCurveError 10000 – highest quality image,
seta r_lodCurveError 250 is default
seta r_lodCurveError 100 - best FPS -Low Quality image
seta r_subdivisions "999"
// Sets detail of curves, lower is more detailed. 10 to 999 (12 is default) Want raw performance and more FPS ? Set this to 999
seta r_detailtextures "0" (higher FPS if set to 0)
// Want pretty textures..the Small patterns in walls stones get clear as you approach the texture.
Set this to "1". Want raw performance and more FPS ? Leave this at 0
seta r_ignoreFastPath "0"
// If enabled, ignore optimized rendering paths.Optimized is good. Optimized is your friend... keep this locked to \"0\".
seta r_ext_texture_filter_anisotropic "0" (higher FPS if set to 0)
// Anisotropic filtering is a nice effect that prevents jagged edges and costs lots of performance. Keep this set to \"0\"
Got flickering???
seta r_ext_compiled_vertex_array "1" If you experience flickering textures in the game set this to \"0\" to make them stop.
Erm... what it says above. This is set to \"1\" for best performance and is the default .
//defines an interface which allows static vertex array data to be cached or pre-compiled for more efficient rendering at the default of \"1\" ....but \"1\" may cause flickering to someone with a big monitor or someone that has brightness set high.
Brightness Cvars
seta r_gamma "1.3" ///Sets overall brightness.
Higher values make your screen brighter, so you can spot enemies easier., allowed values are from 0.0 to 3.0 Be careful you don\'t set it too high .(Default 1.0 or 1.3)...
For some odd reason the brightness calibration in the options menu will only let you set this to a max of 2.0..but 2.1, 2.5 etc.. can be entered manually in the console|cfg..
Punkbuster limits this .. \\\"Most servers PB Limitation\\\"3" is the maximum allowed
seta r_mapoverBrightBits "2"
//Sets factor used to brightens up the map and its surroundings.The higher the number, the brighter the map becomes
Higher values make the shadowy parts of a map lighter, so you can spot enemies hiding in darker areas. Default is 2. Setting it to 3 may help see targets that are hiding in shadows
{0, 1 , 2, 3, 4} (default 2 on most mods) \\\"Most servers PB Limitation\\\"3" is normally the maximum allowed on servers
More Brightness!.... but be careful setting\'s bellow make a big difference!!
seta r_intensity "1.0"
Higher value will make your screen brighter. (Default is 1.0) allowed values are from 0 to 3
seta r_overBrightBits "1"
//Sets overall game brightness above and beyond what r_gamma can do { 0, 1 , 2} (default 1 or 0 depending on mod)
This command defines the brightness level of the map. The higher the number, the brighter the map becomes (0 being the lowest possible value). For some reason this command eats up a shit load of just use the ones above
System Setting
seta com_hunkmegs "128"
Amount of memory (MB) assign to the hunk.
//The amount of memory to use for maps, textures and similar things. Set this to 128 (i.e. ET will use 128MB of RAM). The default value in ET is 56 which often too less and causes problems like Hunk_Allocate TempMemory: failed on 1937504(kicked).
As a rule RTCW should not use more then 3/4 of the total amount of available RAM. You specify the total amount of RAM through com_hunkmegs. Both com_zonemegs and com_soundmegs take a share out of the amount of memory specified with that setting.
Of course there is no reason to let RTCW use less than 3/4 of your RAM either..
Bellow you\'ll probably notice that the maximum value used for com_soundMegs and com_zoneMegs is "64". This is because higher values do not really have an effect. It makes no sense to increase this two memory settings beyond 64 ...but some still use 128.
Most people have more RAM then 512MB, but it is questionable whether RTCW really benefits or can even allocate more but there are settings for more.
seta com_soundMegs "32"
//Sets the amount of memory (MB) to allocate for loaded sound files. default is 16
seta com_zoneMegs "64"
//Amount of RAM to allocate to... Zone. Map & texture loading...can be adjusted to provide better performance on systems with more mb of memory. default is 16
So what should you pick!!!!!
128MB of RAM available. What get a new PC.....
seta com_hunkMegs "72"
seta com_soundMegs "24"
seta com_zoneMegs "16"
256MB of RAM available.
seta com_hunkMegs "124"
seta com_soundMegs "32"
seta com_zoneMegs "32"
512MB of RAM available.
seta com_hunkMegs "256"
seta com_soundMegs "32"
seta com_zoneMegs "32"
1GB + of system RAM
seta com_hunkmegs "736"
seta com_soundmegs "64"
seta com_zonemegs "128"
seta cl_timenudge 0
//Usually the RTCW client waits for two world-updates from the server to extrapolate an accurate depiction of the situation in the game. By entering a negative value here you tell the client to use the information somewhat earlier. It decreases accuracy, but potentially lag as well. Never enter a positive value here unless you want to simulate Internet lag.
NOTE :This is a highly debated cvar. It is not completely clear what it exactly does and what not. It is supposed to be for adjusting prediction for your ping. Many players like to set it to something negative like -10 or -20. But this sometimes makes them appear laggy to our players and isn\'t of much use together with current anti-lag features. Furthermore, on many servers negative values are not allowed and you get banned for them. Set it to 0 to be safe.
seta rate 25000
//Tells RTCW how much bandwidth it may use to communicate with the server
ET's network settings. Set this to 25000 which means ET will use 25 KB/s when talking to a server. Decreasing this value makes only sense when your internet connection is slower than 25 KB's. Values above 25000 doesn\'t make sense as ET supports only rates up to 25 KB/s... but....with new mods like jaymod it can be set up to 45000
Values below 10000 makes the game mostly unplayable and values below 5000 are generally forbidden on most servers and cause a kick.
seta snaps 20
//Sets how many updates you receive from the server
Lower this if your connection sucks.
Higher means more accurate communication but also costs more bandwidth.
Using a value of 20 is generally a good idea. 20 - 40 \\\"PB Limitation\\\"
seta cl_maxpackets 30
//Sets number of packets sent to the server.
If your connection is up to it you should increase this as much as possible.
More packets sent to the server per second means more accuracy. "100" is maximum allowed by Punkbuster.
But.. Setting above 60 may cause simulated Internet lag.. Using a value of 30 to 60 is generally a good idea.
Really usefull
By: [FAG]Moxy -