Board/HP Update

Started by Kissaki, 14.09.2008, 17:12:32


Die HTTPS-Version unserer Webseite (vor allem das/dieses Forum, welches HTTPS erzwingt) hat nun ein ,,stärkeres" Zertifikat, welches von StartCom signiert ist.
Damit sollte, da diese in (allen/den meisten?) Browsern bereits in der liste vertrauenswürdiger Zertifikate ist, ein manuelles akzeptieren nicht mehr notwendig sein.


Komisch, bei manchen Rechnern bekomme ich immer noch eine Fehlermeldung (z.B. Firefox 14.0.1 / WinXP):

Quote from: Dieser Verbindung wird nicht vertraut verwendet ein ungültiges Sicherheitszertifikat.
Dem Zertifikat wird nicht vertraut, weil keine Zertifikatsausstellerkette angegeben wurde.
(Fehlercode: sec_error_unknown_issuser)


Hab extra starttls Zertifikat verwendet, weil deren RootCert wohl in den gängigen Browsern per Default akzeptiert drin ist ...
Vielleicht hat sich das mit Firefox 14 geändert !?
(Mein Waterfox ist noch nicht Firefox 14 ...)
/e: Ich hab kein Problem mit Firefox 14.0.1. Win7 x64.

Etwas styling der Webseite; Farbverläufe kompatibel zu neueren Syntax und Browsern etc.


Forumprofilfeld für GW2 Namen hinzugefügt (zusätzlich zu den hinzugefügten Feldern für Steam und XMPP(/Jabber/GoogleTalk)).


Ich habe Mumble auf 1.2.4 [info=Release Candidate]RC[/info] aktualisiert.
Änderungen siehe
Bin mal auf die Audioqualität von Opus gespannt, ob man etwas bemerkt (natürlich alle Teilnehmenden mit 1.2.4 Client notwendig).


new hp update looks fine :) thx kissaki



Für mich ist es alles über



I changed the default language in this forum to English, as currently this seems to be the most useful / useful to more people.
Like before, once registered the language can be set in ones profile.



You can now donate bitcoins as well - I added a button below the PayPal one.


I updated the website SSL certificate.


Forum software has been updated.
Please report if you encounter any issues.


I´m Zanuba and DooC member *_*

thank you for all member  :))


Quote from: Zanuba on 31.01.2014, 15:25:18
I´m Zanuba and DooC member *_*

thank you for all member  :))

not quite the right place to put it but welcome :D


I switched the default theme, because our own one still had some flaws in layouting, especially in the registration form, which looked awful.
Maybe I can at least get the colors back to what we had.


Quote from: Kissaki on 14.06.2014, 16:44:54
I switched the default theme, because our own one still had some flaws in layouting, especially in the registration form, which looked awful.
Maybe I can at least get the colors back to what we had.

is this temporary?


I hope so.
If I find the time and motivation.

Do you miss something? :)


just the look was unique and this look like a general forum. looks more professional to have own layout


more comfortable for the eyes though  :tongue:



Quote from: Ameero on 15.06.2014, 02:53:03more comfortable for the eyes though  :tongue:
The darker DooC one?
Or this light one?


Quote from: Kissaki on 15.06.2014, 16:36:55
The darker DooC one?
Or this light one?

yep this light one i meant


Chinow reported the registration form being broken, resulting in an unspecified error on submit - which I could confirm.
It was caused by an extension meant to block bots from registering.
It should be fixed now, registration works again.


Like a already said, thank you! :)


I activated the extension again, that (seemingly) caused the registration errors previously. This time, it seems to work. I tested by creating two accounts.
We will have to keep an eye on this. And also if it does block out bots - which have been spamming in the past days again.


Seems like the problem is not really reconstructable. :/
Will keep an eye on it!


Updated the SSL cert which expired.


yea i already realised this :P


I updated the member list/permissions. Anyone who did not log in for more than a year has been un-membered.
So anyone not on our homepage member list, feel free to drop his permissions on our et server. They should have a forum account and get adequate level in the forum if they are a member.
(laki and bulldozer did not log in this year, so should probably be dropped as well? Do not know if they still play)

I also made the member list link to the forum profile.

Recently, I added some more profile fields, so you can link your accounts from elsewhere (e.g. Smite and Battle.Net).