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Started by [DooC] PanzerIce, 08.09.2013, 16:12:25

[DooC] PanzerIce

Me can join Dooc Clan Please I Like Helping people and playing Your server :D


perhaps reformat it to this example:

Ingame name:



All rules read: I have read the rules.

Are you prepared to enter the 4-6 week trial period?: Yes ofc I' am ,no problem for me.

All rules understood: Yes I understood it!

Your own notes : anything you want to mention put here

[DooC] PanzerIce

Ingame name: PanzerIce (Changed from mrice to panzerice...)
Age: 18
Country Israel
I Have read the rules
Yes ofc i am, no problem for me.
Yes i understood it



Be a nice player, often on-line, respect rules, and we will have a talk between other admins about up your level to trial.

Sex ist ein kampf, liebe ist krieg


From what i understood, you have trialled before?

gauki apparently you know more about this

[DooC] PanzerIce



[DooC] PanzerIce



i never hear you have pass any trial yet mrice. I don't understand
Sex ist ein kampf, liebe ist krieg

[DooC] PanzerIce

 X( ?(


As far as i remember you were given a trial period but you never passed it. What makes you eligible to re-try?

[DooC] PanzerIce

Azarius i think only gauki and mr.x know about that sorry :\

but gauki said he will give me a nother chance but i never say him so i asked sniped

$n!p3d I have a question Did you finish this Vote thing or not?


When was the last trial period with us?
I can't seem to find a topic on this.


gauki recruited players mrice and first you have trial level but myebe days you ask me admin level and the next day more.....

i say you myebe some day you are admin...but you askin all the time the same issue..

Gauki was trail member, but he always asked everyone to be admin! i told him he never will get admin in dooc ^^ if all agree he can join dooc as a normal member (new trail time)!? cheeers  :))

[DooC] PanzerIce

Its true But you said you will give Me a Nother chance and i never saw you so i asked $n!p3d and i also Prommised that I will Never do It again :)


you have ask to me to set you admin recently mrIce. You do not have understand your first trail period fail i think.
Sex ist ein kampf, liebe ist krieg

[DooC] PanzerIce

i dont remember ask you admin o.O

[DooC] PanzerIce

So I Am getting A Nother Chance? i Really wanna Add To you clan And Enjoy :D


votes people.

i say yes

[DooC] PanzerIce

If its a Yes when Will I Start?



The only difference between me and a madman is that I'm not mad.


try to give pps a second chance, give it a try.

i say yes


I'm all for second chances, but only after an adequate time depending on the magnitude previous issues.
Given that seemingly nobody was able to answer me when he was our trial member in the past I will neither say yes or no, as that decision of mine pretty much entirely depends on the passed time.


I think a second chance is fair because i become too a second chance  :middlefinger:


only yes, if never ask for higher level, and mr.x have a eye on !


ok we will give you a second chance. but we are keeping a close eye on you. ;)

[DooC] PanzerIce

Yay Thank you Very Mutch!


when i see you on server ill set stuff up for you