Application for membership - Leeven

Started by Leeven, 08.10.2013, 20:05:01


Hi all,  :))

Application for membership

For those that dont know me, i am Leeven with an ingame name "Leeven and Legend SeconD". I am 18 years of age and reside in South Africa. I have read and fully understood all the rules and regulations of the clan, I am prepared to enter the trial period.

I am friendly with other players, active to a more than often extent, teamplay is another good quality of myself, Ive been playing et for a year+ now and enjoy the game settling down and representing a clan is what i like to do.

Greetz  :evil:
LeeveN :)




I approve as well.

So I guess we can give him level on pub and forum!?


I also agree with Kissaki and Sniped!

Leeven is a good guy and everyone deserves a second chance :-)

Nice to hear from you @ Leeven


Will set the levels for server


Darki already gave him level, and I did in the forums.

So yeah, welcome back again Leeven :)


welcome back Leeven :)
Have fun and let's frag :-)



LeeveN :)

[DooC] PanzerIce

I know its late but i say also yes :P
you are a good player leeven!