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Started by [DooC] PanzerIce, 20.10.2013, 18:56:57

[DooC] PanzerIce

i was playing in gold rush in the server and then ment0r is all the time spawn killing and i couldent play like that...
I dont want you to take him out of DooC but Seriously at least warn him he isn't stopping!  X(



Lexxa du warst dabei. Was war los?


Did you tell him to stop?

[DooC] PanzerIce

Yea i did he dident listen,,,


after asking by myself, he did stop.
LeeveN :)

[DooC] PanzerIce

No, Its not true He still dident Stop But after you said for him to stop i Dident say "sk sk" all the time couse I Now it wont help.......


guys you need to take screenshots. evidence always helps

[DooC] PanzerIce

But it never works for me When i do it......


I'll get a few next time this happens
LeeveN :)

[DooC] PanzerIce

Hi just to let You know Changed My name in DooC to PanzerIce


Huch was hab ich verpasst ui wann war das kann mich net so ganz dran errinern (alte Frau vergisst schon mal was)
Sorry.Wer sollte das gewesen sein?
!Cheater sind Menschen, die es leider nicht geschafft haben, durch ihr Talent und hartes Training so gut zu werden wie die Profis!
                   !Cheaters are people who could not make it, so good to be by her talent and hard training like the pros!


eine trial member hat sk gemacht nichts mehr


I'm not taking a defending position. But i played with him quite a lot, never seen him doing SK or breaking any rules!
I think he has played ET quite enough to be aware of the rules!
It's annoying though that you keep dying when you play against him he is too good i know the feeling, but that should only give you the motivation to be better! ;)
So please always before complaining about SK either pm an admin if their online to spec, and if there are no admins on server just take a screenshot or a recording to prove your allegation! :) especially that SK could be confusing in terms of its borders on some maps for some players!

Cheers  :blah: :blah: :blah:


Not allowing sk is not very player friendly... Because first, there are like 3second spawnshield, second, many players shoot from spawn, third if u need to get thru spawn because behind the spawn is some mortarguy or FOP... And everybody sees the spawn area differently. Not allowing SK is starting lot of pointless arguiments, who did or didnt, why he did and so on. Thats my two cents on SK.

But i think if u make a complaint, make a video out of it. It just he sayd she sayd without it...

[DooC] PanzerIce

i finally anderstand why no-one playing this server :\
I Was playing in the Server and Everyone are Camping, run and heeling :\

Some one said he doesnt want to Plat the Server Becouse of that...

if you will be able to fix It a lot Of people will play.


Well Camping, running and healing are three things that are found on any public server and are part of the ET experience. Any player who complains about it on our server will find it in any other global server he connects to. It's is something we cannot control and is a 'way' of playing.
So i'm not sure that it's actually something that could be fixed because we can't tell people how to play, each one has his own way.


what ameero says is very true. plus our server is doing well atm


another topic called "Kritik" has the same arguments about camping, running around and healing and stuff, so instead of replaying the entire scenario, those that are not familiar with it, have a look
and i agree with sniped, just that some are not online at its peak moments and think otherwise of the server
LeeveN :)

[DooC] PanzerIce

Yea i know that every server are doing it but here its really much


I just think you are quite new to ET scene. If u go and try to play some real ET tournaments, youll find that camping is very good strategy for defending. In pub servers, there are always rambomedics who are mostly healing themselves. In our server medics heal very much ther players actually. And if ur not getting healed, its no biggie becuase the spawntime is really short, even if u get full time to wait.. max 15sc i guess vs 30sec in some maps by clanbase rules.


also agree with r.o.o.t :)