Application for membership.

Started by Bulldozer, 24.11.2013, 16:58:40


Ingame name:>BuLLdozEr<

Age:I'm 15 years old.

Country:I'm from Novi Sad,Serbia.

Invited by:Nobody,i want to join clan on my own.

All rules read:Read all the rules.

All rules understood:I Understood them!

Are you prepared to enter the 4-6 week trial period?:Yes i am!

Your own notes:I'm brother of N1c01ash and N!ce,i played for one year and im team player. :)

[DooC] PanzerIce


I saw him the last few weeks very often, he is a good player and i saw him never break the rules... maybe he should tell it his brothers not to break rules :-P



 N1c01ash, N!ce and bulldozer are all brothers? hehe sounds funny :P in my opinion he can also join trail time! @ all of you - please keep attension of our rules and the other clanmates... we all want to have fun together  :))


Quote from: Gauki on 24.11.2013, 23:10:24
N1c01ash, N!ce and bulldozer are all brothers? hehe sounds funny :P in my opinion he can also join trail time! @ all of you - please keep attension of our rules and the other clanmates... we all want to have fun together  :))
and make sure you dont mix the names. makes it confusing :p


1 big happy family :P i agree..lets place him on trial
LeeveN :)


But we all are also a big family :-P
