Level 18 on server?

Started by Reno, 09.02.2015, 21:21:02



How do I get lvl 18?
Is there anything I need to do?
Been in dis clan since 2012, I love it a lot and its obvious when Im in dooc every day basacly...
Can I get dat trial somehow?


hey target  8o

First welcome to our board, second HI :P

u are in the wrong direction for your question, dude!

Everyone in Dooc is able to get every level... but some points are very imporant!

1. Your behaviour with members an puplic players
2. how helpfull u are (Forum/Facebook/Server...
3. How active u are
4. advantage 4 our community
5. How long are u member
6. accept rules
7. and so on :P



You registered in this forum just this year.


Check the topic called the new level system. It's all there.