Clan application topic ( chain )

Started by chain, 22.11.2015, 18:04:05


Ingame name: just as stated above it's chain

Age: i'm 15 years old , soon to be 16

Country: i live in belgium.

Invited by: iw as invited by [DooC]Target

All rules read: yes i did .

All rules understood: yes , gues so atleast .

Are you prepared to enter the 4-6 week trial period?:sure XD


also really young .... if target and nose and lexxa vote yes i will agree :) they are the person with the most activity right now ^^



Me too,although I was interaktive for a while  :middlefinger:


I agree , but there is indeed the probationary period  :))
!Cheater sind Menschen, die es leider nicht geschafft haben, durch ihr Talent und hartes Training so gut zu werden wie die Profis!
                   !Cheaters are people who could not make it, so good to be by her talent and hard training like the pros!
