Enemy Territory Tournament: Corona Cup

Started by eMMiel, 29.03.2020, 14:58:38


Hello everyone,

My name is eMMiel and I'm from Belgium.

As we experience a revival in this game because of the Corona Virus, people having allot of time to play.

I was thinking that it would be really cool to organise an Enemy Territory Tournament: the Corona Cup :D. More clanbased than anything else.
I don't realy have any experience in doing that. But that's why I'm posting it here, so I can see if there is any interest in it or maybe if it could attract anyones attention.

So I was thinking about making some advertisements in the different forums of any active clan. So they can make a team and join up.
I already made such a post in the forums of TeamMuppet. They are a clan based on ETlegacy. And there is already some interest. See link underneath:
Also Hirntot is having some interests:
So if we got some different teams we could make a little Cup with group stages and quarter-finals and so on.
We could do some 3on3 or if possible 5on5.
As for the dates, I'm thinking each Thursday, Tuesday and Saterday of 20:00 CET +1.

Another idea was streaming it on twitch and donate the donations to Covid-19 research.

Well this was my idea, any constructive ideas or you can shoot it down too. It's all welcome.

Thanks for listening to my little dream and (rant),

Have a nice day,



Great idea and initiative! Good luck with it! :)


Hey, thanks man.

Thanks for your response man.

So do you think you could gather up some people, to match up and play?

3 to maybe 5 players? Just seeing wich clan is the better one?

Frag on



That's a good idea and I would like to participate. I didn't play ET for a while but I think that's not a problem or?  :]


Hey eMMiel,

great idea. Is there a date already? :))


!Cheater sind Menschen, die es leider nicht geschafft haben, durch ihr Talent und hartes Training so gut zu werden wie die Profis!
                   !Cheaters are people who could not make it, so good to be by her talent and hard training like the pros!