Splashdamage haben gestern Abend Infos zum nächsten Patch und zu ihrer Competition Mod veröffentlicht. Der Patch 1.5 soll kleinere Fehle/Bugs beheben, die nach dem 1.4 Patch auftraten. Die Competition Mod soll noch diese Woche als Beta erscheinen. Sie ist für Ligen und andere Turniere/Ladders gedacht und fügt unter anderem viele Cvars zum Limitieren ein. Features gibt’s in den Details dieser News. Zusätzlich wird der SourceCode veröffentlicht, um die Modding Community zu unterstützen.
[quote] * Added cvar-based limits for classes, weapons, deployables, and mines. * Added ability to permanently enable XP unlocks such as Faster Sprint, Grenade Launcher, Reduced Weapon Spread, Extra Clip, and Scoped Assault Rifle. * Added pause functionality: Teams can call time-outs, and Admins can pause and unpause the game. * Added ability to toggle camera between killer and nearby medics when unconscious. * Added ability to automatically record demos and take screenshots of scoreboards. * Added ability to scale pitch and yaw values for every vehicle to fully customize mouse sensitivity. * Added “Auto-join” button that joins the team with less players. * Added setSpawnPoint command with several options to allow keybinds for selecting spawn points. * Increased Technician health to 100. * Reduced Radar range. * Increased vehicle spawn times. * Added map-specific changes across the board to improve gameplay for competition (including number of vehicles). * Added various Spectator improvements: o Names displayed above player’s heads. o Time remaining on planted charges. o Pressing use while looking at a player spectates that player. o New “spectate” console command to switch spectator players, jump to players currently constructing the objective, or jump to a preset angle and position on the map. [/quote] Diese Liste ist keineswegs vollständig. Neben nicht dokumentierten Features sind noch weitere bis zur finalen Version geplant.