Server Info

Für Quake Wars wurde nun das finale SDK veröffentlicht. Dazu gab’s gleich das “MegaTexture Media Pack”, das für alle gedacht ist, die eigene Megatextures erstellen möchten. Doch vorsicht, es hat satte 480 MB!

Das finale SDK 1.4, mit knapp 160 MB, ist für den Rest der Modding Community. Enthalten sind weiterhin Tools fürs coden, mappen, modeln usw.

Infos, Tutorials usw gibt’s im offiziellen Wiki

Das Changelog gibt’s unter “read more”.

[quote] * SDK Launcher Added useful URLs to the main page of the SDK Launcher * Added advanced MegaTexture tutorial map and media

* General Avoid warning prints by creating profiles using all lowercase names 

* editWorld Fixed grids not updating in all 2D views
* Fixed values in the terrain and property editors sometimes not updating
* Fixed crash when selecting grids of 64 or greater
* Fixed middle clicking on a tab not switching to it before closing it
* Fixed some map props not having collision.
* Fixed crash in terrain editor when switching image types.
* Fixed browsing to an invalid TGA disrupting the UI.
* Fixed "View Material File" option not loading files not in fs_basepath.
* Added a soft warning and an error when textures repeat too many times on a face.
* Enhanced the Compile Warnings window to allow easy tracking of some compile errors. 

* megaGen Changed detail textures/masks to output to megatextures/
* Changed detail textures/masks to have the proper final name 

* renderLight Fixed "renderLight" path warning [/quote]
<- Enemy Territory: Quake Wars