Server Info

Es wird mal wieder versucht Guild-Wars Accounts zu klauen…

Hallo. Im Moment versucht jemand, mit Hilfe einer gefälschten Email an eure PlayNC Kontaktdaten zu kommen. Der Wortlaut der gefakten E-Mail lautet wie folgt:

klick more ..


“Dear PlayNC Client,

At PlayNC the greatest responsability to our customer is the safekeeping of confidential information you have entrusted to us and using it in a responsable manner. A fundamental element of safeguarding your confidential information is to provide protection against unauthorized access or use of this information. We maintain physical, electronic and procedural safeguards that comply with federal guidelines to guard your nonpublic personal information against unauthorized access.

At this time we need you to renew your online account with our existing database( or it will be deactivated and deleted ). As soon as our database will be updated we need to make a few important anouncements to our customers so please renew your PlayNC account with no delay.

Please click the link bellow to continue: //

Our database will be instantly updated.

We are committed to the responsible use and protection of customer information on our website. At PlayNC we are dedicated to providing you with exceptional service and to ensuring your trust. If you have any questions regarding our services, please check the website or call our customer service.

Thank you, PlayNC Customer Support”

Die angegebene URL unter keinen Umständen benutzen! Es handelt sich um einen Phising Versuch!

Die einzige sichere Art und Weise, euren PlayNC Account zu verwalten ist, euch unter einzuloggen.

Falls ihr dieses E-Mail erhalten habt, und den Link verwendet habt, dann ändert bitte umgehend euer Passwort!


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