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Messages - Ameero

Spamboard / Re: Countingthread
01.08.2015, 00:36:15
Spamboard / Re: Countingthread
12.07.2015, 04:30:08
DooC-Server / Re: cheating???
25.02.2015, 06:14:35
Nope don't know who that is.
DooC-Server / Re: cheating???
21.02.2015, 12:13:24
Is that screenshot generated by NxAC? I never thought it gets a personal screenshot from the players themselves. But it gives a great evidence tho.
DooC-Server / Re: cheating???
21.02.2015, 08:42:41
Just watched it. He is using both wallhack and aimbot. I will ban him next time i see him.
Spamboard / Re: Countingthread
13.02.2015, 07:38:47
Helpboard / Re: ET connection
13.02.2015, 05:53:15
I started to have this problem from the beginning of this week, most likely its my connection but its a weird kind of lag. I will let u know if i find a solution.
DooC-Server / Re: i am back....
05.02.2015, 00:29:22
welcome back! :middlefinger:
General / Re: problem
21.01.2015, 16:44:19
Most likely because your m_yaw and m_pitch settings are different. When you're in game open console and adjust /m_yaw 0.022 and /m_pitch 0.022.
DooC-Server / Re: exit WH ?
13.01.2015, 22:27:32
I will check the demo once its uploaded, judging from what i saw from your gameplay it was neat and clean but it won't hurt to check the demo. We all make mistakes and i'm glad you appealed.
General / Re: can i join?
11.01.2015, 15:03:20

Please fill out this form:

Ingame name:



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Are you prepared to enter the 4-6 week trial period?:

Your own notes:
Games / Re: ET: Legacy stable release
05.01.2015, 19:17:06
I tried to launch ET:L the mac version but it doesn't start at all.
Spamboard / Re: Sinnlos aber Lustig
27.12.2014, 18:22:11
I love the part when ice cube finds out that Jonah is dating his daughter, hilarious :D
Spamboard / Re: Sinnlos aber Lustig
27.12.2014, 14:17:51
My name is Jeff  :middlefinger:
General / Re: Just a question?!
24.12.2014, 19:49:52
Quote from: Maik0 on 24.12.2014, 19:37:44
oh never mind

you careless about explaining yourself?
General / Re: Memberlist?
24.12.2014, 11:35:31
A couple of weeks ago i invited Groozy and he said he is not sure and he will think about it, he is a good guy and will make a good member, you can invite him again to see if he decided. I don't know Voda82 much, but if you say he is good i will invite him once i see him, or you can do so.
General / Re: Memberlist?
23.12.2014, 19:13:49
Even though some of you don't have recruiting privileges yet, always feel free to suggest or to invite anyone to join dooc that you see fit so we can consider them!  :)
General / Re: Name
19.12.2014, 13:23:14
I don't personally mind the name, it's the behaviour that counts for me. I don't also see why anyone would get offended by it, we all curse and it's just a name.
General / Re: Anmeldung in das Forum
05.12.2014, 22:13:57
Quote from: Gauki on 04.12.2014, 23:06:17
its oki to change a name 1 time - but please try to stay with one name :) Thanks dude

Gauki don't forget to change it on trackbase  :tongue:
DooC-Server / Re: wh BurN
04.12.2014, 08:50:24
I'm trying my best to understand with google translate. Anyways WH does clearly highlight to you where the enemy is as u said, but if you are smart enough you would use it in a way that reduces suspicion and you try to hide making it visible as much as you can, which i believe is what u do (unless you prove me wrong).

Can you explain minute 12:12 of the game to me please? At that specific time i believe you slipped and WH became clearly visible at that specific moment (Your crosshair was directed to the exact location of enemy even though they were far away). I had my headset on and volume was all the way up, but i heard no sounds that could lead to the enemy's position during that time. Looking forward for your elaboration.
Spamboard / Re: Sinnlos aber Lustig
27.11.2014, 23:42:23
I'm a faithful ET veteran  :evil:
Spamboard / Re: Sinnlos aber Lustig
27.11.2014, 00:39:41
Obama is a G.

Allow me to spam something different. I'm sure most of you saw this, i remember seeing it like 6 years ago but still funny as hell for those who didn't see it yet.
Spamboard / Re: Countingthread
25.11.2014, 14:01:53
General / Re: Application: Juut
22.11.2014, 22:17:42
Glad you found your way into the forums! And again welcome to the clan  :evil: :evil:
Spamboard / Re: Countingthread
17.11.2014, 05:51:23
Purefrag because one needs a break b/w obj every now and then.
Spamboard / Re: Countingthread
20.10.2014, 13:47:02
General / Re: Ix!on's application
16.10.2014, 00:09:56
Spamboard / Re: Countingthread
15.10.2014, 11:47:44
Spamboard / Re: Countingthread
12.10.2014, 23:57:34