Author Topic: Spawn points for goldrush  (Read 41800 times)


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Re: Spawn points for goldrush
« Reply #30 on: 01.02.2014, 13:59:02 »
I uploaded it to the etpro. Should work as long as no config is voted. Did not check in game.


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Re: Spawn points for goldrush
« Reply #31 on: 01.02.2014, 14:18:03 »
still some errors i ddint test the script
but there are some issues

with setautospawn there are always this // for comments it will not work
//setautospawn   "Tank Depot"   0
//setautospawn   "Allied Spawn"   1   
should be without "//"
the same for other setautospwan

setautospawn "Allies Spawn" 1
setautospawn " Axis Gate" 0

then rename Allies Gate to Axis Gate

         description "Allies Gate"   // "Axis Gate" instead  dont forget to rename autosetspawn too from Allies Gate to Axis Gate
         message "Allies Gate"   // " Axis Gate"  instead
      wait 50
      setstate goldrushgate_obj invisible
      setstate goldrush_spawn invisible


   trigger on
      setstate goldrushgate_obj default
      setstate goldrush_spawn default
      wm_announce "Axis Gate spawn enabled!"    // announces the the second Axis autospawn
      wm_announce "^7Visit ^" // what's this?
      trigger off
      setstate goldrushgate_obj invisible
      setstate goldrush_spawn invisible
« Last Edit: 01.02.2014, 14:30:08 by TunPal »


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Re: Spawn points for goldrush
« Reply #32 on: 02.02.2014, 12:32:11 »
LeeveN :)


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Re: Spawn points for goldrush
« Reply #33 on: 02.02.2014, 12:54:00 »

kissaki can you uplaod this to the warserver for a final check


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Re: Spawn points for goldrush
« Reply #34 on: 02.02.2014, 13:29:03 »

kissaki can you uplaod this to the warserver for a final check
did you check the script first?
you (or he) uploaded it last time without checking it


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Re: Spawn points for goldrush
« Reply #35 on: 02.02.2014, 15:05:08 »
ok we have problem
the spawn trigger is activated when allies blow the gate we have printed message indicating that the new autospawn is working but...Axis spawn in tank depot
we should increase wait function when calling setstate and decerase the first setautspawn to avoid calling setstate before loading entities
then we need to alertentity when spawning the new entities from the very begining of the map
i think bani's fueldump autospawn fixes script can be an example for ouy work.
what do you think?


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Re: Spawn points for goldrush
« Reply #36 on: 02.02.2014, 17:22:20 »
ok guys it works now
added 5 spawn slots (only) for axis
added aleret for entities before calling the spawn
adjusting wait function to allow server loading trigger
now axis autospawn in the "Axis Gate" area when tank blows the bank door


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Re: Spawn points for goldrush
« Reply #37 on: 02.02.2014, 17:29:49 »
i think we should delay the new axis spawn till allies load the gold crate and escape
what do you think?
putting axis in the new spawn gives advantage for allies since axis are too far from them

 ?( ?(  8o


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Re: Spawn points for goldrush
« Reply #38 on: 02.02.2014, 21:24:05 »
And we have touchdown, yes I agree with tunpal, it would have a disadvantage to axis if they are further away, so enabling it when the gold is stolen is a better option, but perhaps we can up the number of slots to 12, for when the server gets busier
LeeveN :)


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Re: Spawn points for goldrush
« Reply #39 on: 03.02.2014, 07:16:25 »
i think that would be a good idea


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Re: Spawn points for goldrush
« Reply #40 on: 05.02.2014, 14:11:47 »
so hows this going? uploaded yet?
LeeveN :)


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Re: Spawn points for goldrush
« Reply #41 on: 05.02.2014, 20:35:17 »
Yes on warserver for test
Sex ist ein kampf, liebe ist krieg


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Re: Spawn points for goldrush
« Reply #42 on: 05.02.2014, 21:54:26 »
And we have touchdown, yes I agree with tunpal, it would have a disadvantage to axis if they are further away, so enabling it when the gold is stolen is a better option, but perhaps we can up the number of slots to 12, for when the server gets busier
or move axis spawn to the upper room right of truck road


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Re: Spawn points for goldrush
« Reply #43 on: 06.02.2014, 04:51:29 »
And we have touchdown, yes I agree with tunpal, it would have a disadvantage to axis if they are further away, so enabling it when the gold is stolen is a better option, but perhaps we can up the number of slots to 12, for when the server gets busier
or move axis spawn to the upper room right of truck road

this might be a good one


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Re: Spawn points for goldrush
« Reply #44 on: 08.02.2014, 10:43:25 »
a maximum of 6 players can respawn here, with that keeping in mind that it wouldn't be problem leading out
LeeveN :)


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Re: Spawn points for goldrush
« Reply #45 on: 08.02.2014, 10:45:30 »
the additional players can spawn here, providing overhead cover or simply just jump over the railing or use the ladder, a suggestion
LeeveN :)


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Re: Spawn points for goldrush
« Reply #46 on: 08.02.2014, 11:44:18 »
Yeah,im we like test thet ^^ ;)


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Re: Spawn points for goldrush
« Reply #47 on: 08.02.2014, 13:41:17 »
the additional players can spawn here, providing overhead cover or simply just jump over the railing or use the ladder, a suggestion
we had a problem with spawn allocation it's not easy to add 2 extra spawnpoints, autospawn will not work
the first spawn is ok it can handle more then 10 slots the room is large enough we need positions (via /viewpos) for each slot, other players spawn on the default axis spawn


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Re: Spawn points for goldrush
« Reply #48 on: 08.02.2014, 19:56:23 »
can i give it a go? im 50/50 on whether it will work or not but it wouldnt harm trying yes?, XXXX the script you uploaded, did you'll test it, does it work?
LeeveN :)


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Re: Spawn points for goldrush
« Reply #49 on: 08.02.2014, 23:38:07 »
give me the positions and i'll try
i'm too lazy to view positions myself  :)
but remember many scripts out there are broken.Setting many extra spawnpoints is badely handled by server engine due to restricted spawn allocation

« Last Edit: 08.02.2014, 23:42:21 by XXXX »


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Re: Spawn points for goldrush
« Reply #50 on: 09.02.2014, 06:35:54 »
i'll have em spread out properly, will give it to you in a while
LeeveN :)


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Re: Spawn points for goldrush
« Reply #51 on: 09.02.2014, 07:37:35 »
Let me know when its finished so we can test it


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Re: Spawn points for goldrush
« Reply #52 on: 09.02.2014, 15:26:24 »
heres the positions:
if 12 points in a spawn ares:
1.[503 -379 24]
2.[629 -379 24]
3.[828 -469 -31]
4.[960 -467 -31]
5.[937 -352 -31]
6.[1102 -423 -31]
7.[1449 315 184]
8.[1304 311 184]
9.[1204 468 184]
10.[1075 440 184]
11.[1074 332 184]
12.[1482 442 184]

if 10 points in a spawn area:
1.[828 -469 -31]
2.[960 -467 -31]
3.[937 -352 -31]
4.[1102 -423 -31]
5.[1449 315 184]
6.[1304 311 184]
7.[1204 468 184]
8.[1075 440 184]
9.[1074 332 184]
10.[1482 442 184]
LeeveN :)


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Re: Spawn points for goldrush
« Reply #53 on: 09.02.2014, 17:36:44 »
the autospwan works
[503 -379 24] for the flag
i tried the second origin [629 -379 24]for spawning player entity
player spawns but i can't move it's too low look at screenshot attached
you should view postion while standing


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Re: Spawn points for goldrush
« Reply #54 on: 09.02.2014, 17:55:24 »
you've already uploaded and tested? let me try height, that seems to be the problem, gimme a few hours to get the server to play the map
LeeveN :)


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Re: Spawn points for goldrush
« Reply #55 on: 09.02.2014, 19:10:50 »
you've already uploaded and tested? let me try height, that seems to be the problem, gimme a few hours to get the server to play the map
no i've tried it on local server
i changed that positions, player entity spawn with no issue.The extra spawn is named Axis Room  and enabled when allies blow the bank door

// Last edit by TunPal: extra axis spawn point
      // axis room spawn
                   scriptName "goldrushroom_obj"
                   classname "team_WOLF_objective"
                   targetname "goldrushroom_obj"
                   origin "503 -397 24"        // z = CC_FILTER_AXIS(5)
                   spawnflags 1       // TEAM_AXIS

                     classname "team_CTF_redspawn"
                     scriptname "goldrush_spawn1"
                   targetname "goldrush_spawn"
                     spawnflags 1  // TEAM_AXIS
                     origin "922 -384 8"   // this origin works fine, just stay standing each time and copy positions ok?
                     angle "-89"

// TunPal: hide the extra spawn point
      trigger goldrushroom_obj off
      setstate goldrushroom_obj invisible
      setstate goldrush_spawn invisible
        //TunPal autospawn fix
      wait 100
      setautospawn   "Tank Depot"   0

      wait 2000
      wm_announce "^3TunPal's Extra spawn "


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Re: Spawn points for goldrush
« Reply #56 on: 09.02.2014, 19:19:59 »

// TunPal: extra spwan trigger
         description "Axis Room"
         message "Axis Room"
      wait 50
      setstate goldrushroom_obj invisible
      setstate goldrush_spawn invisible


   trigger on
      setstate goldrushroom_obj default
      setstate goldrush_spawn default
      wm_announce "^AAxis Room spawn enabled!"
      trigger off
      setstate goldrushroom_obj invisible
      setstate goldrush_spawn invisible

trigger goldrushroom_obj on
      //TunPal alert entiry before enabling the extra swpan
      alertentity goldrush_spawn
      wait 50
      setstate goldrushroom_obj default
      setstate goldrush_spawn default
      wait 150
      setautospawn   "Axis Room"   0


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Re: Spawn points for goldrush
« Reply #57 on: 09.02.2014, 20:29:24 »
see the problem is with out server i can gain positions while spectating, but as a player, it gives you a default value, so if we could manually adjust the height all we need to know is how much to increase it by, i dont see it being a prob if they spawn in mid air, a very faint distance above the ground, since spawn protection is enabled, but i shall keep trying
LeeveN :)